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Photographer and Multimedial Artist 



Graduated in Philosophy of Language, Martina lives between Rome and Turin, where she works as a photographer of works of art with M3studio srl, the leading studio in Italy for still life and art photography. Over the latest fifteen years, she has been professionally connected to the international contemporary art's and artists's scenes.

Apart from photography, her productions involves video installations, poetry, written-art, dreams turned into depicted images and spoken dreams.

Since her academic studies, sheʼs always been fond of the dimension of dreams, both in their semiotic and visual layers. Her eyes focus with geometrical abstractions and multi-layer sceneries.

She published "Onirico Ironico" in 2023, a book of experimental poems coming from the unconscious, and her first novel “La bambina è sovrappensiero e non lo dice” in 2006. 

During the years, she ideated and carried on the photographic project named “WYTYA”, a powerful combination of black and white portraits and graphical layout.

Lately, she's working on a new independent publishing house, with focus on contemporary photography, essays and poetry.



Exhibitions & projects:



- 'AUREA, Della vita e altre innumerevoli cose', book of poems, with Thomas Bugno



'Onirico Ironico, Poesie dall'inconscio', Robin Edizioni, book of poems, presentazione a cura di Emilio Fantin, @Casa della Pace, Bologna


-  Centouno Risvegli, interactive installation @Come un Albero, museo dell'inclusione, Rome



- 'Onirico Ironico, Poesie dall'inconscio', Robin Edizioni, book of poems, presentazione a cura di Emilio Fantin, @Sinestetica, Roma


- Centouno Risvegli, interactive installation during Roma Diffusa, Society Limonta, piazza di Pasquino, Rome



- 'Centouno Risvegli', interactive installation made with Lea Walter, Studio noMade



-  'Rome/Power', fine-art photography and essay with Thomas Bugno Jones



-  'Sous la plage', dreams mapping and interactive training with dreamers; book and video


- 'Grandi Sogni', with Giulia Nomis, selected project for BRACT Tricase, Lecce (IT), video and soundscapes



- 'Vuoti', handmade book of poems



- "Der Traum Archiv", meetings to save written memories of dreams. A project founded by Laura Parker from Nai'n Theatre Collaborativ in Leipzig (DE)



- ʻWYTYA // Words You Think You Areʼ, photography, video and poster art, urban installations, spread through Europe.



- ʻMETROPOLISʼ, MilanoFiera, (MI), photography + Dusseldorf (DE) , a cura di Camilla Boemio + slide show, La Casa dellʼArchitettura, Roma (IT)



- ʻWalk through inkʼ, Via Lauretana, Siena (IT), video installation, a cura di Camilla Boemio



- Ê»Got body – There is no war in Solipsismʼ, Underground Gallery, Dijon (FR) photography + Le Primtemps de l'Europe, Dijon + Semur (FR)



- ʻLEISUREʼ, Officine Fotografiche, Rome (IT), photography (22 november - 6 december), a cura di Thomas Bugno


- Ê»Nessuna Sedia a dondoloʼ, Tuba, Rome, (IT) photography & dreamlog set 



- 'Is Dream Surface?', SpazioPrimaRelease, Rome (IT) photography



- 'Lederemulticolor 0'1', Virtual Plasma, Florence (IT) video, a cura di Francesca Querci




Group exhibitions:



- Ê»BT Some Thames', Alighiero Boetti I 1000 fiumi più lunghi del mondo reading, a cura di Giulia Nomis, LaBussola, Turin (IT), soundscapes



- Ê»Lʼarte aiuta lʼarte, Rome Contemporary 2012”, MAAM Rome (IT), photography 



- ʻIAN+ Architects / Rome-London: Work in processʼ, British accademy, Rome (IT), photography



- ʻOpeningʼ, Takeawaygallery, Rome (IT), photography



- ʻBoundaries-Confiniʼ, Festival della Fotografia, International Exposition of Rome, Casa del Jazz, Rome (IT) photography



- 'Art-island II', 491 Gallery, London (UK) video


- 'The O inThree', Cineclub Detour, Rome (IT) video and electrodreamreading


- 'Words and sounds and crazydolls', La Porta Blu Gallery, Rome (IT) video





-  "Italienische Queer Musikerinnen" Porträt, Die Preziöse #3

-  "Cornelia Albrecht" Famo Magazine, Winter 2013

-  "Rho, live pictures from Kyrie Eleison tour'" on Just Kids Magazine, 2013

-  Ê»MARTINA MAGNO // METROPOLISʼ, monography curated by Camilla Boemio 

-  Ê»Interview to Martina Magnoʼ on The Hidden Room, Fine-art  Photography webzine 

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